Managed Services Advanced Networks Managed Services Customer Satisfaction 1. Overall, how would you rate your Managed Services Experience? Very positiveSomewhat negativeSomewhat positiveVery negativeNeutral 2. Overall, how would you rate Our Response Time for your issue? Very positiveSomewhat negativeSomewhat positiveVery negativeNeutral 3. Overall, how would you rate Our Fix Time for your issue? Very positiveSomewhat negativeSomewhat positiveVery negativeNeutral 4. Overall, how would you rate Completeness of your issue? Very positiveSomewhat negativeSomewhat positiveVery negativeNeutral 5. Overall, how would you rate Our Communication with you? Very positiveSomewhat negativeSomewhat positiveVery negativeNeutral 6. Overall, how would you rate Our Technical Ability with your issue? Very positiveSomewhat negativeSomewhat positiveVery negativeNeutral 7. Overall, how easy is it to get a hold of US? Very positiveSomewhat negativeSomewhat positiveVery negativeNeutral 8. Overall, how would you rate Our Professionalism? Very positiveSomewhat negativeSomewhat positiveVery negativeNeutral 9. Overall, how would you rate the Value for the Cost of Service? Very positiveSomewhat negativeSomewhat positiveVery negativeNeutral 10. Any feedback below would be appreciated?